Here is my first blog post

I have always wanted to write about what I’ve been doing and what I’m passionate about. Here is where I’ll be doing that! I don’t want to put too many constraints on this ‘blog’, as I cannot know what it will eventually become. Hopefully I can look back on this first post with rose-colored nostalgia, rather than cringing at my naïveté.

Anyways, I’ve recently been learning how to deal with Jekyll, HTML, CSS, and Markdown to build this site. So far, it’s been a steep learning curve, but I think I’ve gotten the hang of it. One thing I’ve found very interesting is HYPERLINKS. Hyperlinks, for those who don’t know, are the things with the underlines and the blue. You would not believe the hours I spent testing and toying with the navigation bar, trying to get the hyperlinks to work, trying to get the edges to match up, or trying to get the color and font to look somewhat better than the default HTML Times New Roman and black text. But that’s what programming is all about: Trial and error.

I hope you find something useful from these blogs, whether they be information or just mere enjoyment. Maybe they’ll become more intricate and better-written. That’s the dream!